What you need to know| COVID-19 PCR vs Antigen vs Antibody Rapid Test Kit differences

5 min readSep 2, 2020


By Medisafetest Team


Better known as polymerase chain reaction, is used to detect the presence of RNA genetic material of COVID-19 virus in the body from nasal secretion sample, whereby is known as nasal swab by swabbing your nose and throat. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) categorized PCR nasal swab test as the gold standard of all the coronavirus test kits, and also approved by FDA. PCR is mostly for early detection or outset infections with the highest accuracy level of 99.9%.

Amongst all the FDA approved swab tests, PCR is the most sensitive of the prevailing rapid procedures to identify the presence of microbial pathogens in clinical samplings. The reason for its high accuracy detection is because COVID-19 virus accumulates the highest amount in the respiratory tract, as COVID-19 virus is a classified respiratory infection where the virus moves from mouth, nose, throat to lungs. Hence, PCR is known as the most reliable test, yet the highest cost among the other test kits. Usually PCR test is done in either swab test center or if you are in a hurry, then you can opt for drive-thru testing.

The downside of PCR swab test is that several days may pass before the virus starts reproducing in the throat and nose, which will cause the test results to be deemed ineffective against someone who had a recent infection of the same virus. However, there are bottlenecks in getting accurate testing results if the one who is swabbed is not being swabbed with correct methods or being tested too soon after coronavirus exposure. Usually PCR does not generate false negatives if swabbing is done properly, but it can have the likelihood to yield false negative results, meaning you are infected with the active coronavirus but test result is shown negative. When a particular type of pathogen that are challenging to culture IV (in vitro) or needing a long developmental period are expected to be present in specimens, the diagnostic rate of PCR is known to be substantial. Nonetheless, PCR swab test applications to clinical specimens is known to elicit potential drawbacks in view of the proneness of PCR tests to contamination, inhibitors and experimental conditions.


Antigen test requires nose swabs, but in contrast to PCR test which looks for the presence of coronavirus RNA genetic material, antigen test will determine if you are infected through using the presence of proteins or glycans living on the virus’ surface and also the antibodies present in the blood as determinants. With this, it has a higher tendency to produce false negatives due to the 85% accuracy level, with also the fact that antigen test is a quick testing method which is more towards screening those who need a more conclusive test result.

Apart from this, it has a higher tendency to create false positive results if the test detects proteins that are nearly identical to the coronavirus presence. In other words, the results generated by the antigen test is more prone to inaccuracy to PCR test. Hence, if you are tested negative, and yet manifesting symptoms of coronavirus, then you will be given referral by the doctors to do the PCR swab test to gain a more accurate reading of your condition. Due to its lower sensitivity in comparison to PCR test, the cost is relatively cheaper. Antigen test can be more pliable to point-of-care diagnostics (POCT), which is designed to be conductible in community and remotely inaccessible regions. Also, because antigen test is an indispensable and rapid diagnostic tool, especially for those in urgent hurry and cannot wait to know whether you are infected with coronavirus disease, or have last-minute business travelling plans, this method could be used to screen-test people in hospitals, workplaces, or in other instances where it is vital to determine if you are currently at risk of transmitting the viral infection.


Antibody rapid test is able to identify those who have past infections, not the currently infected ones. Usually this test is done to obtain readings and keep track on the total infection rate in a mass scale. All you need is to be pricked on your fingertip for drops of blood and can be used as a genuine home test kit if available., which makes antibody tests more convenient and saves time as compared to antigen and PCR tests. The test is done by determining the presence of the antibodies in the blood, very much like the features of antigen test.

On the contrary to both PCR and antigen swab tests, antibody test cannot detect current infection, whether asymptomatic or symptomatic alike. This is because antibody test can only identify and measure the presence of antibody and immunity level spike, not when the body is producing normal level of antibodies. So if the body has not yet produced antibodies, then this test will not work on those who want to test for COVID-19 infection, as the one who is infected will take certain time for the bodies to produce antibody and immune response reagents in the white blood cells to combat microbial components present in the virus. This test can also aid in specifying those who is in primacy to be injected with sufficient antibody vaccinations in order to battle against the viral infection.

Unfortunately, the shortcomings of antibody test, is that it will cause false negative result if the test is taken too soon before the symptoms manifest itself. Aside from this problem, false positives can happen due to the counter-reactivity with present antibody immunity constituents as a past infection result. Due to this, you won’t have the assurance whether you are in the safe zone or not, and whether you still have to remain quarantined. Besides, for those people who are less cautious, it will create a false assurance to those who are infected or asymptomatically infected to roam around outside the house and unknowingly transmit the virus to others, whereby these people became super-spreaders. This will put others in more perilous situations as compared to those who have already done the PCR and antigen tests. For this, antibody test is only limited to short-term coronavirus detection, thereby there is a need to address this test approach with much caution.

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